Saturday, December 20, 2008

Another one bites the dust

So this past Thursday my cell phone bit the dust. This has been a great phone and is the first to last to the end of a contract period. Well almost we are about 3 weeks shy. Since I use my phone for work so often I needed to look into a new phone, so Marla and I visited the at&t store by our house to see what we could do. Now in our minds we both wanted an iphone but sincewe have a family talk plan we thought it would be impossible to get them. Well I'll have you know that I am laying in bed typeing this blogg on my new iPhone while marla surfs YouTube on hers. Now I know what most of you are thinking "you haven't blogged In like a century so why now" well to answer your question. Well I just needed to have it at my finger tips. If any one reads this blogg any more please note that the first application I down loaded was a surf report app. Yes I bold true to my basic needs to stay informed. To those that do not have a iphone you should definintly look into getting one it is totaly worth it. This was a early christmas present for the both of use. Now as for Kate she is doing well and is transitioning into sleeping in her own room. She is one of the most beautiful kid I have ever seen. I think she takes after her mom. Who by chance is the most beautiful woman In the world. Well it is about time to sign off so untill next time "Be Good, be green, be safe, and have a happy holidays.


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