Saturday, July 19, 2008

So it’s Been a While "It's Where You Find It"

Well I haven’t bloged in a long time and I’m sorry for that. So what’s been going on around here? Well since my last post and I’m sure most of you read my wife’s blog on a regular basis but I have completed the babies nursery and just in time. Her Shower is tomorrow and she needs room to put every thing. Other than working on the nursery I have been surfing and fishing in the past few weeks. I am still not working on Fridays. So I typically go then so that I can spend the rest of the weekend with Marla. Two Fridays ago I went surfing with my cousin. He hadn’t been since we were in high school so it had been a while. When we were done he said he remembered why we loved it so much back then. Surfing is one of those things that even if you are not a spiritual person you get it.

I had not gone out in several months and I was feeling dry. Now I know that may sound funny to most but it’s true when I haven’t been in the water in a while I start to feel a strong urge or pull a need to get wet. Some say well isn’t fishing or swimming the same. Fishing fills the need to be in nature and swimming is wet but its exercise. So they both fill different roles in my need to surf. There is just something about being caught in the natural power of the ocean you just get wrapped up in it. If God could give you a hug I believe it would feel like a warm wave. You feel the strength, passion warmth love and commitment. All he and the wave ask back from you is to commit. Once you commit you get the surge of emotion that will bring you back tome and time again. I have had rough days on the beach where I couldn’t catch a wave all day but right before I leave I get the one that makes it all worth it and I‘ll go back and suffer it all over again just to get that again. Most think that Surfers as a whole are slackers and degenerates, and in some cases it’s true. But even if the bad apples don’t realize what is happening they come back for the same reason. They just don’t know who to attribute it to. “Surfing is more than a sport. It’s a life style. Beneath the common stereotype lies a world family bonded by a mutual respect and passion for the water and the waves.”

I want to share a code that a fellow surfer came up with. It explains the bond and respect between surfers.

Shaun Tomson's Surfer's Code:
I will never turn my back on the ocean.
I will always paddle back out.
I will take the drop with commitment.
I will know that there will always be another wave.
I will realize that all surfers are joined by one ocean.
I will paddle around the impact zone.
I will never fight a rip tide.
I will watch out for other surfers after a big set.
I will pass on my stoke to a non-surfer.
I will ride, and not paddle in to shore.
I will catch a wave every day, even in my mind.
I will honor the sport of kings.

This code is why I hope my daughter and other possible offspring will enjoy surfing I hope they can get it and we can share it. If they don’t get it this way I hope something will provide them with the joy and aww-inspiring feeling that surfing provides me. I also hope I can start up dating more often please comment so that this blog can be more of a discussion blog. I hope I can gain a few readers back?

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