Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Lighter Note

I wanted to go surfing last weekend but couldn’t find a wet suite anywhere. I would like to try and go again this weekend. If any one knows where I can find a good deal on a wet suite please let me know.

The Change

It would seem that the time has come for the church to make a change or have a reformation of some sort. We’ve seen this through time many things have gone through changes. The church has even gone through several, most note able the one in the 16th century lead by Martin Luther. Most other changes are society driven. Not that this is good or bad necessarily, but it is thought provoking. Is it possible that a change to make society feel more welcome isn’t the change that needs to be made? Could it be that we have progressed so far from our origins that we confuse and upset people. What if we took a step back and got closer to the origins of our predecessors. If I did not have the rules and guide lines set down to me from my parents who got there rules and guide lines from there parents who got them from there parents then would I not be who I am to day. I know that my parents didn’t do every thing that there’s did, but think of this. Remember when society was safer and the kids could play out side when ever they wanted to. As long as you didn’t get in to trouble, but if you did your friends parents wouldn’t wait for your parents to get on to you they’d get you or they’d take you immediately to your parents. Remember when you got spanked for doing some thing wrong no you get a time out or a stern talking to. I feel like our society has progressed to a do what ever makes you feel good or makes you happy. (I’m not bashing on my parents or any generations parents.) It’s just an example. If the church continues down this path of making every one happy and feel good, then we will end up in the same boat as every one else. Perhaps when John the Baptist came to prepare the way for Jesus and he preached “Change” he meant from the way of society from the path every one was going down. Jesus even seems to teach change from society. Change is good but it needs to be carefully examined there is a limit to how much progression you can have. Perhaps you have to cross the boundary to know where it is but if you don’t watch for it you want see it. I’m a boundary pusher and I’ve crossed many boundaries and didn’t know it till it was too late.

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Inner Ponderings

Since I haven’t been surfing, I’ve been reading a new book called “Walking On Water”. This book addresses the spirituality of some of the world’s top surfers past and present. One of the surfers interviewed in the book is Timmy Curran son to one of the pioneers of surf, Tom Curran. These two men share a love for surfing and Christ even though there is a large generational gap as far as style goes for surfing.

I seem to feel that there is the same kind of gap in the church and those we try to reach out to. What worked for my grandfather and my father for that matter doesn’t always work for me. Now try to carry that to some one who never had a relationship with Christ or God. Or for that matter never had a strong relationship. I by no means have a great relationship with them but I am trying to have a better one. But this past Sunday Michael, the preacher at my church brought up a good point. Where do we draw the line of Tradition and Law? I want to know where we draw the line from recommendations and Laws for the first century church and today’s church. It would seem to me that if you start to pick and choose between what you want to take as law and what you want to take as pertaining to them specifically then you have a greater chance of loosing something. Would it be so bad to stick with what is set for them they had there reasons and couldn’t those same reasons present them selves again. Think about it we don’t have the Apostles writing to us telling us where off base. They did that once and we now have it as a guide line. I might be all wet but it seems that we shouldn’t pick and choose what pertains to us. I’m putting this in my blogg because I just don’t do good compiling my thought in person so I’m hoping some one with greater knowledge will comment on this subject. Here is the thought for the day….. When the time comes for you to sit down and examine the course in witch your life is moving that you take the time to enjoy the break and take a chance on the other street. Life is meant to be enjoyed and shared with others. If you are not excited about tomorrow then you need to make a change today.

Timmy Curran has a free CD you can down load at


I hope you will enjoy it.

Time to Sell

Time to sell as part of my agreement with my wife, I will be selling one of my surf boards. I am selling a 7’-6” BIC surf board. I hate to see it go but Marla is right what am I going to do with 3 boards and one I never even ride. I finally got my arm out of the sling I hope to be able to get back into the water soon. I fell like a dried up fish. I need some beach time. Some physical therapy I think is due to my arm. The salt will hill my joints and the cold will numb the pain away.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Wow it's been a while

Wow, it’s been a while! Sorry I haven’t been blogging lately. Let me bring y'all up to speed. There wasn’t much excitement up till Christmas. For Christmas we went to California to visit Marla’s aunt and cousins. While we where there we went to the so-called “Happiest Place on Earth” (Disney Land). I think this could have been true but it was entirely too crowded. We where only able to ride 9 rides in 18 hrs but other than the crowds it was very cool. The very next day we did go to the Happiest Place on Earth (the Ron Jon surf shop) and Santa Monica. At Ron Jon, Marla and I had the run of the place, we where the first few people in the store. This place was huge, and had every surf thing you could imagine. Man I love California. The next big and exciting thing we did was go snowboarding on New Years Eve. Snowboarding was a blast for the first couple of hours, until I fell and sprained my elbow. We flew home on the first. I went back to work on the second. The following Tuesday I received a promotion at work from Intermediate Designer to Senior Designer. This makes me the youngest Senior Designer at Chemic Engineers. I have been working towards this since I started 3 years ago. I did not surf in California, and I have not had a chance to go since I got home either. I’m sorry I don’t have a cool thought to bestow upon you but I will try to have one for you soon. I’ll try to keep you updated from know on.