Saturday, October 24, 2009

Geting busy

Well it's been along time since chemic was busy but we are geting that way. I actualy had to had a fourty hour week for the first time in months. I have always enjoyed being busy it makes the days go by much faster. I get a thrill out of being under pressure. I like to be up against dead lines it makes you feel so alive.

Sunday is Trunk or Treat at our church, Kate is going as a bumble bee and I'm going to dress up as a bee keeper. Marla is going to man the car and pass out candy and stuff. It should be an exciteing event for Kate.

Next weekend we are suposed to be camping if the weather holds out. There is a chance of rain on Friday and Saterday. It would stink to be confined to the tent esspecialy with a 14 month old. But we have a week till then maybe the forcast will change by then. Hope all of you have a great weekend. Thanks to those of you who prayed for Marla while she was sick it is nice to have her back to normal. Well as normal as she has ever been.


Monday, October 12, 2009

Birthday Day

So this was my birthday weekend and it was ok. I enjoyed spending time with my folks but I missed my wife since she was SICK with piggy flu all weekend. Saterday was the best day since we got yo spend so much time at my parents house. I really just missed Marla. We had plans for dinner with our friends that came in from Colorado for the weekend. We also missed another friends birthday party which was a big hit from what I hear. I also got to play golf on Saterday with my brother in law, while Kate got to spend lots of time with my mom and sisters. I also got new golf clubs for my birthday which is way I had to play golf. So I really just wish Marla could have spent more time with us.

Today sucked though. I had to go out to visit a client today during our walk down it poured down rain and I got soocked. It was the first time I had to work on my birthday in a long time. I hope Marla is better soon so she and Kate can be together again. I know Kate is missing Marla and Marla is missing her. Hope fully every thing will be back to normal soon. Thanks to every body who has wished me a happy birthday. Thanks mom and dad for this weekend I had fun with y'all and Kate had a great time with y'all.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

It's Sunday...

Well it's Sunday at the family reunion and all is well we will have church then head back to Houston. We are hopeful that the kid will nap some of the way home. I have servived another Drapper Reunion they are usually pretty fun and that goes for this year also. I didn't get to visit as much this time since I chased the kid around the whole time. We have really enjoyed staying with the Bests. They have made use very comfertable and feel very welcome. We are so blessed to have extended family like them. We will see the rest of our family when we get home tonight.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Back in Abilene...

So it's the first time we've been back to Abilene since Kate was born. Man I had forgoten how good my favorite food spots are. We have only been here half a day and we've already eaten at Bueno & Harolds. For those of you who have not been back in a while Harolds is now open till 8:00pm Tuesday - Saturday. We visited the KACU and all of it's staff yesterday. Today we go out to Buffelow Gap for the family reunion. We are staying in town with Marla's boss from the radio station they have always been like family to use so we love comeing to see them. Will post more tonight.


Monday, September 28, 2009

Tough Weekend, Rough Monday

Marla and Kate where both not feeling well this weekend. Marla has a head cold and was coughing alot and Kate has a stumech bug. So I played nurse this weekend, actualy Kate was easy. Marla on the other had coughed at night which was really the only bad part. I did get to go to my parents and shot rats as my dad mowed the back pasture which brought back found memeries of growing up. Other than that it was a good weekend.

But today was hectic. I had a client meeting at 9:00 am this morning and it was good and was good news I picked up three new jobs and when I got back to work found out another one that had been on hold came to life. But this afternoon it all went down hill. One of my clients called to see if they could come by the office for a little meeting I didn't think anything of it since he was bring his new boss over to see the office and meet several other people. Well boy was I wrong the where really there to complain about one of our civil engineers and two of his jobs. Now being the client manager that means I take alot of the heat for the mess ups. Which is my job. But that didn't make it fun. Hopefully tomarrow will be better. Will plug away at it all over again.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hi again

So I have not blogged in a very long time. I am going to try to be more diligent in blogging. I have not been up to much work is still slow but it is looking like things are going to be picking up over the next couple of weeks. Perfect just as the holydays come around. Those of you that read Marlas blog know I got a new puppy for my birthday. He is very sweet and apears that he will be very laid back and relaxed so hopefuly he and Kate will get along well. Marla is curently feeling bad and the kid is not feeling well either. That's really it for tonight and I will update tommarow.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Waitin at the vets...

I haven't posted in a while but now I'm sitting here waiting to see the vet. All I need is for the cat to get a shot. Really does that require a room. I would think they could just stick him real quick and be done with it but no. They could just the me tv stuff and I could do it. Can't be that hard right. Well work has been busy, which I really enjoy. Makes the day go by faster. Class is also going well I hole I am doing a good job and that they are geting the most out of the class. Hope fully I can head home soon we will see I'm at there mercy I suppose.


Friday, January 16, 2009

The Instructor is in...

Well as those of you whom read Marla's blog you know that I accepted a teaching position at Alvin Community College. I will be teaching the introduction to Process Piping Design and Drafting course. Last night was the first night of the course. I basically just introduced the class and let them know what we will cover in the class. I hope that the course will go well and I am excited about teaching the course. The only down size is that when I got home last night Kate was already in bed so I missed seeing her at all yesterday. So that was a bummer. I didn't really think it would affect me like that but I was pretty bummed. The class is a Tuesday, Thursday class so at least I will only miss her on two nights and I'm still off on Fridays.
Have a great weekend.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Today I feel so much better it's hard to believe I was sick last week. Marla made a comment to me, that I need to start reading more inspiring books again so that I can share it with the two people that read this blog.

So first let me say I am sorry to those of you how read this blog earlier today. Marla pointed out the mistakes and corrected them for me. Now as for that inspiration I talked about. I'm not reading anything I would call inspiring, but I do have a few suggestions. If you liked Super Man growing up as a kid, you should read Book of Lies by Brad Moltzer. This is an interesting look at several things. It's just a cool read. If you like it also read Book of Fate by Brad also. I'm in the middle of it and it is pretty good also. I would really like To start reading some autobiographies, if there are any you suggest please let me know. I'm not looking for historical puposes more for inspiration. I know most of my inspiration in the past was due to surfing books, but I hope to broaden my field of view. So what can I leave you with tonight that will inspire you for tomorrow? I'm not sure, maybe this "live for every minute for that minute may be your last".


Please remember a few people in your prayers a friend of our that is suffering from a brain annurism and his family. Also a student of my mom's passed away this morning please remember his family, and Melissal who had her appendix out tonight. Thanks

Friday, January 9, 2009

Such A long Week...

Man this week drug on forever. First on Tuesday I got back to the rat Race after a very long weekend and had to deal with all the stuff I missed out on Monday. I started to feel like poo on Wednesday and it just got worse on Thursday. Man I was feeling bad. So bad in fact that when I got home Thursday I went to bed by 7:30pm. Thanks to my lovely wife who allowed me to go to bed so early. That I believe is what maid my feel better today. Hopefully I will be back to normal tomorrow. As for tonight Marla has become infatuated with Guitar Hero. She denies it and says she is making due since we don't have Rock Band. If only you could see her pretending to be a hard rocker. Well not much plans for this weekend hopefully it will be quit and uneventful but that is yet to be determined. Have a good weekend.
*NOTE: there is no spell check when posting from my iPhone, so when I read this after it originally posted I could see how many mistakes there were. Oops.

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Day...

So yesterday started off well. Kate and I laid around on the coach till 10:00 or so. She need to take a nap so I hug out with her while she did. Then we all got dressed and headed out to Alvin, so Kate could spend the afternoon with Gma & Papa. This enabled Marla and I to go out and watch a movie and have dinner. We saw Marlie and me. The movie was great ( Jennifer Aniston was in it WOW ) but the story is very serious and sad. Yes I said sad if your eyes don't at least tier up your dead inside. So Marla caused us to be depressed on our anniversary. Other than that we had a great day.

Today we are on our way to Austin for Ben Fairs wedding tomorrow. Yes I said on my way Marla is driving and I'm posting a blog from my iPhone. I'm in the wedding so we have to be there for the rehearsal. At least we will get a free meal out of it. Tomorrow we will stay the night in San Antonio with my folks. They got use a room in the hotel they are staying in. Then we will head home on Sunday some time.

I hope every body is well and under way to reaching there New Years resolutions. I know that every body said to lose weight, but other than that I would love to hear what else y'all came up with. I need something else to fix. Have a great weekend.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year...

Happy New Year every body. Last night we went to bed before the ball dropped. We are old folks I guess, actually Kate keep us up all night the night before so it was just hard to stay awake. Today is Marla and I's anniversary. It has been an incredible 4 years. I still fill like the luckiest guy in the world. Thank you sweet heart for being such a great and wonderful wife and mother. As for Kate she is doing good she's napping on my chest on the coach right now. I think she might be trying to cut her first tooth. She's been very fussy lately and when she was gnawing on my finger I felt something that felt like a tooth. But I guess we will just have to wait and see. Have a safe and happy New Year.