Monday, October 29, 2007

The Perfect Weekend

There are not many times when you can say you had a perfect weekend. Well I just had one, and I do mean perfect. On Friday I got my hair cut when I got off at 1:00 from work. Then I went home and sat in my hammock and read my Surfers Path magazine. After that we got together with our friend and went and ate a delicious meal at Perry’s Steak house prior to going to see Marla’s dad in 1776 the musical. That was a fun show, and Marla’s dad did a great job. If you live in the area you should go see him in it. It runs through this weekend.
Saturday I spent the mourning on the porch and then some friends came over and we headed over to the new Bass Pro Shop. It was pretty impressive (no I didn’t buy any thing). Then I came home and Marla and I watched movies all evening. Now Sunday was the best day. After lunch and church I went home and read some more of my magazine and fell a sleep in the hammock for about an hour and a half. Then I set out there the rest of the day till we headed over to Jeremy and Mandy’s to watch the last game of the World Series. Witch was the perfect end to a great weekend I hope I can do it again in the future. This up coming weekend is opening weekend of dear session and I will be in Lufkin This weekend and I will be sitting in nature again. Man if this isn’t the life I don’t know what is. Thank God for a natural get away and how easy it can be to achieve it. Get out and in joy the good weather. “Do not postpone any thing for tomorrow for you might not get one.”

1 comment:

MM said...

too bad you'll be killing God's creatures while sitting in nature.