Friday, January 16, 2009

The Instructor is in...

Well as those of you whom read Marla's blog you know that I accepted a teaching position at Alvin Community College. I will be teaching the introduction to Process Piping Design and Drafting course. Last night was the first night of the course. I basically just introduced the class and let them know what we will cover in the class. I hope that the course will go well and I am excited about teaching the course. The only down size is that when I got home last night Kate was already in bed so I missed seeing her at all yesterday. So that was a bummer. I didn't really think it would affect me like that but I was pretty bummed. The class is a Tuesday, Thursday class so at least I will only miss her on two nights and I'm still off on Fridays.
Have a great weekend.


Jared said...

They couldn't have picked a better person. I know you like your job, as I do. And I've always found that when I teach what I do, I understand it better and get more excited about it. Hope the same happens to you! Very pumped, my friend.

Rebekka said...

Glad to hear about your class and glad to see more posts!!!
Have a great day,