Saturday, January 10, 2009


Today I feel so much better it's hard to believe I was sick last week. Marla made a comment to me, that I need to start reading more inspiring books again so that I can share it with the two people that read this blog.

So first let me say I am sorry to those of you how read this blog earlier today. Marla pointed out the mistakes and corrected them for me. Now as for that inspiration I talked about. I'm not reading anything I would call inspiring, but I do have a few suggestions. If you liked Super Man growing up as a kid, you should read Book of Lies by Brad Moltzer. This is an interesting look at several things. It's just a cool read. If you like it also read Book of Fate by Brad also. I'm in the middle of it and it is pretty good also. I would really like To start reading some autobiographies, if there are any you suggest please let me know. I'm not looking for historical puposes more for inspiration. I know most of my inspiration in the past was due to surfing books, but I hope to broaden my field of view. So what can I leave you with tonight that will inspire you for tomorrow? I'm not sure, maybe this "live for every minute for that minute may be your last".


Please remember a few people in your prayers a friend of our that is suffering from a brain annurism and his family. Also a student of my mom's passed away this morning please remember his family, and Melissal who had her appendix out tonight. Thanks

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can suggest a couple of good books. First is Seven Summits by Dick Bass and Frank Wells. The other is a surfing book about Gerry Lopez called Surf is Where You Find It.